Dental Cyst Removal

Dental Cyst Removal Isn’t Painful As The Area Will Be Numbed With A Local Anaesthetic By The Dentist Before Beginning Any Procedure.

Dental Cysts Are Removed Surgically When They Are Located Deep In The Jawbone And Cannot Be Reached By A Simple Tooth Extraction. After A Thorough Examination And X-Rays, Your Dentist Will Decide Which Treatment Is Best For Your Particular Dental Cyst.  He/She May Decide To Remove It And The Affected Tooth. Alternatively, Marsupialisation May Be Used. This Is Where A Slit Is Made In The Cyst And The Slit Is Then Sutured Open So The Cyst Can Freely Drain Itself.

A Few Days Before The Dental Cyst Removal Procedure, The Dental Practice’s Dental Hygienist Will Perform A Thorough Cleaning And Polishing Of The Teeth.  An Oral Probiotic Is Often Given At This Time To Increase The Good Bacteria In The Saliva Which Will Help The Healing Process.

If A Root Canal Treatment Is Needed, This Procedure Is Usually Done Before The Dental Cyst Removal.  The Cyst Will Be Removed Under Local Anaesthetic. Many Dentists Offer The Opportunity Of Being Sedated Throughout The Whole Procedure.

It’s Quite Probable That The Dental Surgeon Will Also Remove The Tooth Associated With The Dental Cyst.  In Some Cases, Bone Graft Material May Be Used To Fill The Empty Space Left By The Cyst Removal. The Wound Site Will Then Be Closed With Sutures.

Frequently, The Tissue Which The Surgeon Removed Is Sent To A Path Lab To Ensure The Cyst Is A Cyst And Not A Tumour.

What Can I Expect For Recovery After Removal Of Cyst?

Patients Can Generally Expect To Go Home After They Recover From Anesthesia (The Medication That Put You Sleep During Surgery). In Some Cases, Patients May Need To Stay Overnight At The Hospital Depending On The Extent Of The Surgery. Doctors Usually Advise Taking Between 2 Days To 2 Weeks Off Before Returning To Work Or School. This Period May Be Shorter Or Longer Based On The Type Of Surgery You Had. It Takes At Least 6 Weeks For Initial Healing Of Your Jaw.

Physical Activity

You Can Resume Light Physical Exercise As Soon As You Feel Able Following Your Surgery. You Must Not Participate In Any Exercise Or Sports That May Involve Hitting Your Jaw. This Includes All Contact Sports. Do Not Clench Or Stress Your Jaw Muscles With Heavy Lifting More Than 10 Pounds.


For The First 2 Weeks After Surgery You Will Follow A Soft Diet. Nutritional Supplements Are Helpful. On Your 2-Week Follow-Up Appointment Doctors Will Explain What Type Of Diet You Will Transition To At That Time. This Depends Of The Type And Extent Of Surgery. After The Initial 2 Weeks, You May Use A Straw To Eat.

Pain Control

Your Doctor May Prescribe Anti-Inflammatory Or Opioid Pain Medications To Help Control Pain Or Discomfort Following Surgery.


Swelling Is A Normal Side-Effect Of Surgery But The Degree Varies Between Individuals. You Can Expect To Have The Most Swelling Between Days 3-5 After Your Surgery.


Most Of This Type Of Surgery Is Carried Out Inside The Mouth, Which Means No Obvious Scars. In Some Cases, Very Small Incisions May Be Placed On The Outside Of Your Mouth On Your Face.


It Is Imperative-Mandatory In Order To Prevent Cysts That You Maintain A High Level Of Oral Care And Wellness, And Visit Your Dentist Regularly For Exams And Cleanings. As Part Of Your Oral Due Diligence, If You Discover That Any Of Your Teeth Require Root Canal Therapy Due To Caries, Trauma Or Gum Disease, A Thorough Root Canal Process Will Be Required.

Keep In Mind Teeth That Remain Healthy, Rarely Have Cysts Developing Or Forming Around Or Close To Them.

Schedule Regular Checkups At Least Twice-Yearly To Help Identify Dental Cysts Early. Since The Cysts Are Usually Asymptomatic When They First Develop, You May Not Even Know One Is There Until Dentist Takes X-Rays. It Is Important To Work With Your Dentist To Treat The Dental Cyst As Early As Possible. This Will Help To Prevent Any Long-Term Effects And Preserve Your Dental Health.